The Red Hat Story
In coordination with Rosecrance
If you knew Ryan, you knew he was a generous and compassionate individual. The RDM Foundation established a "Red Hat Fund" in honor of this story.
In 1st grade, Ryan wore a red winter hat outside during recess. Ryan would come home every few days saying he had lost his hat and needed a new one. After a few weeks of this, Jamie went to the school and wanted to look in the lost and found to see if any of Ryan's hats were there. The teacher told Jamie that the hats were not lost, but rather Ryan was giving the hats to his classmates who did not have hats. In that giving spirit, the RDM Foundation established the RDM Red Hat Fund. This fund assists veterans in their journey to recovery and integration back into the community.
The RDM Foundation expresses its gratitude to Rosecrance for the opportunity to provide assistance and for the partnership.
The RDM Foundation would like to express gratitude to everyone for their support, which enabled us to create this fund and assist this veteran.
Helping Veterans Through The Red Hat Fund
Since inception of the Red Hat Fund the RDM foundation has donated $4,500+ to Veterans in need.